Buy Mikalido Mexicana in Berlin
Our shop in Kaulsdorf is closed (Google Maps is informed, but slow), but you can get our whole product range close to S-Bhf Lichtenberg at Spirituosen Kierzek (Weitlingstrasse 17, 10317 Berlin).
You should also have good chances at Pfefferhaus, Niederbarnimstr. 11, 10247 Berlin, although you should call here before to check their stocks: 030/23532428.
Mikalido Mexikaner Pfefferminzkaner - spicy peppermint liqueur
Buy Mexikaner Minis
Berlin / Brandenburg, it's getting spicy!
As of right now, you can buy our Mexikaner miniatures in every Getränke Hoffmann store. They are in stock or at least orderable, just ask the exquisitely nice staff.
They're still selling our regular 0,7l bottles as well, of course, they should even have the last ones in stock that we used our old recipe for - so if you wanna get your hands on a classic, you should be quick.
And oh yeah: Rumour has it that the miniatures will be sold at a reduced price from March,21 to March,26!
Buy Mexicana
Order all products of Mikalido Mexicana online: Mexikaner, Eierkaner and Pfefferminzkaner.